When it comes to buying, selling or renting your property, the team at Custom Residential make the next step easy, just call us on +64 9 360 4860
REAA 2008The Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) is the independent government regulatory body for the real estate industry in New Zealand. Their job is to promote a high standard of service and professionalism in the real estate industry and help protect buyers and sellers. They provide information for buyers and sellers, provide advice and guidance for agents and deal with complaints about agents' behaviour. The REAA is a Crown entity, established under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. For further information, please visit the REAA Website. The Code of Professional Conduct and Client Care Rules 2009 sets out the standards of professional competence and conduct that an agent must follow. Custom Residential Ltd Complaints ProcedureAt Custom Residential we are committed to providing you with superior customer service. If you do have a complaint, please speak to us first and be assured that we will do what we can to resolve the matter. Steps to follow if you have a complaint: Step 1: Call us and speak to our Licensee Agent. You will be required to give a detailed explanation about your concerns. You may also be asked to put the complaint in writing. Step 2: The Licensee Agent will investigate your complaint and talk with the salesperson involved. We promise to respond within 10 working days. Step 3: A meeting will be arranged with you, the Licensee Agent and salesperson to discuss a resolution. Step 4: If the resolution is accepted by all parties, we will implement that resolution as soon as possible. If the resolution is not accepted, we will suggest mediation. Step 5: If the resolution is not accepted through mediation, we recommend you make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority. (Please note that you can do this at any time). The Real Estate Agent Authority |